MHRD Recognizes without NCTE Approved teachers training course

The Ministry of Human Resource Development has given retrospective recognition to the Teacher Education Courses (Teachers Training Course) conducted without approval from the National Council for Teacher Education. Since its recognition, more than 13 thousand students and more than 17 thousand teachers studying in different schools have got relief. Human resource development minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank gave this information on May 16 2020.

Nishank said that we have given recognition to regularize retrospective teacher education programs being run by various institutes of the central and state governments. Gazette notification has been issued by the Ministry to regularize these courses. These programs were run without the formal recognition of the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE).

The Ministry has clarified that this amendment only allows retrospective recognition by the academic session 2017-18. In this, only the qualification earned before it has been regularized. An official said that its purpose is not to leave the courses open for running by institutions in the future.

Let me tell you that along with issuing the gazette related to the recognition, the degrees of about 30 thousand teachers and students (including about 13 thousand students and 17 thousand teachers) who have been doing teacher training courses from the central and state government institutions have now got recognition.

The Ministry has clarified that this amendment only allows retrospective recognition by the academic session 2017-18. In this, only the qualification earned before it has been regularized. An official said that its purpose is not to leave the courses open for running by institutions in the future.

Source: A B P LIVE Date: 17th May 2020